When I started thinking about what to write about this month, I began noticing a recurring theme among my clients. With almost any problem a client talks to me about, I can assure you boundaries, or lack of boundaries, may be an issue.
My sister Carol called me about 9 months ago wanting me to read a book about boundaries. She and her husband were attending a Bible study through their church about the topic based off a book they were reading. The book was called, you probably have already guessed it, BOUNDARIES written by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend. Many people struggle with setting boundaries for fear of guilt or being perceived as mean. Yet, boundaries are needed in order to bond with others without giving up a sense of ourselves. There is an old saying “drink together but never from the same cup” which encourages us to enjoy our life with others while maintaining a sense of ourselves
Those who struggle with boundaries will likely form a personality trait called “dependent personality” in adulthood. When I was in graduate school, it was described by one of my professors as a “clinging vine” personality disorder because no matter how poorly a person was being treated, they would stay in the relationship. We see this in domestic abuse cases.
In Hernando County, many struggle with difficulty setting boundaries which can often lead to unhappy relationships. anxiety, depression, abuse and even trauma.
If you could use help with boundaries, I would be happy to meet with you. Please call for an appointment and let’s get started to a happier and healthier you!