The Link Between Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Co-occurring disorders are the combination of a mental illness and a substance abuse disorder in one person, a situation that can lead to worsening symptoms in both disorders. Those who already have a mental health problem are at a higher risk of developing a...

How Mental Health and Obesity are Correlated

According to the CDC, nearly 10% of Americans are severely obese, and 15 million American adults have depression severe enough to impact their lives. Given the growing prevalence of both issues, it is not unreasonable to wonder if the two conditions are linked.  While...

Eating Disorders: Causes and Symptoms

People assume eating disorders are connected only to food and diet, but they are complicated mental health issues that require professional attention. Eating disorders are outlined in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of...

Internet and Phone Addiction

Given how the internet has become such an integral part of modern society, it isn’t easy to imagine life without it. In fact, the internet is one of the most influential technologies ever to be created. Still, given its relatively short existence, we are only...
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