High-Functioning Depression Treatment

In a recent blog, we discussed the reality of high-functioning depression. While not an official mental health condition, high-functioning depression can be associated with various depressive disorders. No matter what kind of depression an individual is diagnosed...

What is High-Functioning Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition afflicting approximately one in six people. Depression can manifest with many different symptoms, impacting individuals in different ways. High-functioning depression, although not an official mental health diagnosis, is used by...

Everyday Ways to Combat Depression

Despite the nonchalant way some people use the term, depression is a serious, long-lasting condition that can’t easily be fixed by one happy day or a good night’s rest. Identifying symptoms of depression and discussing your options with a healthcare...

Ten Signs of High-Functioning Depression

While you may not be familiar with the term dysthymia, you are likely familiar with its effects. Otherwise known as high-functioning depression, the condition is commonplace in contemporary society yet hard to recognize. From the outside looking in, it appears that an...

Depression Disorders Take Many Forms

Depression is prolific in our society, but those suffering from it come along a broad spectrum. Clinical depression is diagnosed and can be crippling and life-altering. However, other forms of depression can be transitory and relatively mundane. Because the word...
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